SQL Roadmap For Data Science

Harsha Kumavat
3 min readFeb 21, 2023


If you are looking for an end to end roadmap of SQL for Data Science then this blog is for you.

This blog consist of the resources to learn SQL, reading material, practice sites, SQL projects, code challenges , interview preparation resources , cheat sheets. Are you excited then let’s get started.

SQL( Structured Query Language) is the standard language for relational databases. It is a domain specific language which focus on what you want without saying how to do it. It helps to communicate with the database. To communicate with the database we utilize SQL queries to access a collection of records that are stored in our database tables.

SQL topics to focus on are listed below:

  • Basics of relational databases, schemas, tables, different database types, SQL data types.
  • SQL commands: DDL(Create, Alter, Drop, Truncate), DML(Insert, Update, Delete), DCL(Grant, revoke), TCL( Commit, Rollback, SavePoint), DQL(Select).
  • Basic Queries: Select, Limit, Where, Operators, Distinct, Aliasing, Comments, Aggregate functions (Avg, Count, Count(Distinct), Sum, Min, Max), Group by, Having, Order by, Joins (Left, Right Full Outer join, Self join, Cross join, Natural join), Union, Union All.
  • Functions: String functions (concat, ucase, lcase, trim, ltrim, rtrim, reverse, replace, substr, instr, length), Date functions(curdate, curtime, date_add,date_sub, datediff, day, week, quarter, month, year), Numeric functions(sqrt, exp, greatest, least, round, power, mod, ceil, floor, abs), Advanced functions(case, cast, coalesce, if, ifnull, isnull)
  • Advanced Queries: Advanced filtering( Like, wildcard operators, between, IN), cte ,views, temporary tables, window functions( over and partition by, row_number(), rank(), dense_rank(), lead(), lag()), subqueries, stored procedures and functions.

SQL Projects & Challenges:

Alex the Analyst: There are 2 guided projects they are SQL data exploration and data cleaning in SQL.

Adam Finer: This project helps you from creating a SQL database, to querying and exploring the data, to visualize the data.


PayPal / Braintree Take-Home Project: SQL interview challenge to test your skills! https://github.com/AlexanderConnelly/BrainTree_SQL_Coding_Challenge_Data_Analyst

Data with Danny’s 8-Week SQL Challenge: There are case-studies to solve. https://8weeksqlchallenge.com/case-study-1/

Cheat Sheets:

If you want cheat sheets for SQL then do checkout my blog Cheat sheets for Data Analyst there I have included all the materials for SQL too.

Cheat Sheets for Data Analyst: https://harshakumavat.medium.com/cheat-sheets-for-data-analyst-4645af153d0b

Connect with me on LinkedIn if you have any questions. I’m delighted to assist!!! LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/harshakumavat2000

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Harsha Kumavat
Harsha Kumavat

Written by Harsha Kumavat

As a Data Engineer, I love building data pipelines and optimizing datasets to extract valuable insights. LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ harshakumavat2000.

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